12 months & up. The Wooden 2-in-1 Tricycle & Balance Bike provides the perfect preparation for riding a bicycle without training wheels! First a training tricycle with 3 wheels, then a balance bike with 2 wheels, this compact version impresses customers with numerous highlights and a vintage look. The tricycle features a three-level height-adjustable seat, allowing for the perfect riding settings for the child. When learning progresses and balance allows it, it can be quickly transformed into a classic balance bike. The handlebars include a steering damper to prevent uncontrolled movement and wobbling, a bell, removable handlebars bag, and rubber grips. The bike tires are made of indestructible EVA soft finishing and the soft seat provide lots of riding fun! Balance bikes help children develop the fundamental skills needed for riding a regular bike such as; balance, coordination, and steering. Bike measures 19.1" x 6.7" x 9.8".
* This item will be drop shipped directly from the vendor. Please allow 2-6 weeks for delivery.