Kaplan Early Learning Company
Grants by Kaplan Early Learning Company
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Playground > Ages 6-23 Months

Infant Toddler ClubhouseInfant Toddler Clubhouse6 - 23 months. Infant Toddler Playhouse includes: music, mirror, and window panels. Up to 10 children. Use Zone: 8' x 8'.Product: 48206
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Totstuff Crawl TubeTotstuff Crawl Tube6 months & up. Color options are available.Product: PL225
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Manipulative Play PanelManipulative Play PanelAges: 6 months - 5 years. Capacity: Up to 4 children. Size: 4'W x 1'D x 2'6"H. Weight: 81 lbs.Product: PL1102
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Peek 'n PlayPeek 'n Play6 - 23 months. Young crawlers can greet their friends on the other side of the window, admire their reflection, and play a tune on the compact Peek 'n Play. Use Zone: 8'6" x 4'6". Up to 8 children can play.Product: 49569
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Home, Garden & AutoHome, Garden & AutoAges: 6 - 23 months. Capacity: Up to 12 children. Size: 6'4" x 7'2". Use Zone: 12'4" x 13'2". Weight: 659 lbs.Product: PL1106
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The Big OutdoorsThe Big Outdoors6 - 23 months. The Big Outdoors allows young tots to recognize familiar objects from thier own backyard. Colors as shown. Up to 8 children. Use Zone: 9'4" x 12'9". Weight: 530 lbs.Product: PL1016
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SnugPlay Learner SystemSnugPlay Learner System6 - 23 months. The SnugPlay system is the ideal starter unit to help introduce young children to a unique child-powered play event. This kit is designed to introduce children aged 6 months thru 23 months… More »Product: PL2077
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Toddler's CastleToddler's CastleAges: 6-23 months. Capacity: Up to 6 children. Size: 6'9" x 9'2". Use Zone: 12'9" x 15'2". Weight: 439 lbs.Product: PL1105
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Sensory CubeSensory Cube6 - 23 months. Sensory cube has a mirror panel, "grass" like carpet, real feel and smooth rocks, engraved geo shapes, and a tray to hold various additional objects. Turn it over and it doubles… More »Product: PL598
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Toddler Flower HouseToddler Flower HouseAges: 6 - 23 months. Capacity: Up to 8 children. Size: 3'10" x 4'7". Use Zone: 9'10" x 10'7". Weight: 343 lbs.Product: PL1103
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Totstuff GizmoTotstuff Gizmo6 months & up. Designed for children under 2 years old. Helps promote understanding of cause and effect. Color options are available.Product: PL224
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