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Assessments & Evaluations > Learning Accomplishment Profile™(LAP)

Early Learning Accomplishment Profile - E-LAP™ - KitEarly Learning Accomplishment Profile - E-LAP™ - KitBirth - 36 months. A criterion-referenced instrument measuring development in 6 domains. E-LAP™ is appropriate for all children, including those with disabilities. The instrument is excellent for… More »Product: 13649
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LAP™-3 KitLAP™-3 KitThe Learning Accomplishment Profile Third Edition (LAP™-3) provides a systematic method for observing the skill development of any child functioning in the 36 to 72 month age range, including children… More »Product: 10568
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LAP™-D 3rd Edition KitLAP™-D 3rd Edition KitThe Learning Accomplishment Profile -- Diagnostic (LAP™-D), Third Edition, Dual Language (English-Spanish) provides a systematic method for observing children functioning in the 30 to 72 month age… More »Product: 11952
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LAP™-D Screen Kits - Age 3, 4, and 5LAP™-D Screen Kits - Age 3, 4, and 5A first step in the assessment process. LAP™-D Screens are designed to identify potential development delays. Contains the most reliable indicators of a child's development.Product: 13699P
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LAP™ Birth to Kindergarten Illustration ManualLAP™ Birth to Kindergarten Illustration ManualThis Illustration Manual contains Illustrations, Numbers, and Letters to facilitate administration of the Learning Accomplishment Profile: Birth to Kindergarten (LAP™ B-K) assessment. A subscription… More »Product: 30354
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Online LAP™ Assessment SoftwareOnline LAP™ Assessment SoftwareBased on the Learning Accomplishment Profile assessment system, LAP™ Software is a web-based software product designed to help collect and document child progress, produce child and aggregate reports,… More »Product: 24526P
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$0.50 - $16.95

Archived Licenses for LAP™ Web SoftwareArchived Licenses for LAP™ Web SoftwareArchived Licenses for LAP™ Web SoftwareProduct: 27896
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E-LAP™ Administration Manual - 3rd EditionE-LAP™ Administration Manual - 3rd EditionIncludes a list of materials, instruction for administering individual items, a summary page, an IFSP form, and a profile page. © 2001Product: 8203
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LAP™-D Screens Age 3 Scoring ProfileLAP™-D Screens Age 3 Scoring ProfileSet of 30 scoring sheets to be used in conjunction with LAP™-D Screens Age 3 Scoring Profile. Available in English and Spanish.Product: 31281P
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LAP™ Partial Person Pad - Set of 5LAP™ Partial Person Pad - Set of 5Set of 5 Partial Person Pads.Product: 17130
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LAP™-D Screens Age 5 Scoring ProfileLAP™-D Screens Age 5 Scoring ProfileSet of 30 scoring sheets to be used with LAP™-D Screens Age 5 Scoring Profile. Available in English and Spanish.Product: 31283P
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LAP™-3 Technical Manual & Technical Report - 3rd EditionLAP™-3 Technical Manual & Technical Report - 3rd EditionLAP™-3 Technical Manual & Technical Report, 3rd Edition © 2004Product: 10657
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LAP™-3 Manual - 3rd EditionLAP™-3 Manual - 3rd EditionLAP™-3 Manual, 3rd Edition © 2004Product: 10656
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E-LAP™ Technical ManualE-LAP™ Technical ManualFor use with the E-LAP™ kit.Product: 96711
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LAP™-D Screens Age 4 Scoring ProfileLAP™-D Screens Age 4 Scoring ProfileSet of 30 scoring sheets to be used in conjunction with LAP™-D Screens Age 4 Scoring Profile. Available in English and Spanish.Product: 31282P
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LAP™-3 Illustration ManualLAP™-3 Illustration ManualLAP™-3 Illustration ManualProduct: 10658
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LAP™ Horse Illustration PadLAP™ Horse Illustration PadLAP™ Horse Illustration PadProduct: 10699
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LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Examiner's Manual & Technical ReportLAP™-D - 3rd Edition Examiner's Manual & Technical ReportProvides clear, easy-to-follow instructions for administering the LAP™-D. Scoring procedures are carefully addressed to ensure accuracy. Also, includes data regarding the norming process, statistical… More »Product: 11954
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LAP™-D - 3rd Ed. Administration Manual - Set of 8 - Plus CD with Spanish ManualsLAP™-D - 3rd Ed. Administration Manual - Set of 8 - Plus CD with Spanish ManualsDelineates procedures, materials, and criteria for administering the subscales for each developmental domain of the LAP™-D in order to ensure reliable results. One copy of each manual is included… More »Product: 11953
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LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Bilingual Scoring Booklet - Pack of 20LAP™-D - 3rd Edition Bilingual Scoring Booklet - Pack of 20Pack of 20 LAP™-D Bilingual Scoring booklets.Product: 12337
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E-LAP™ Scoring Booklets - 20 - EnglishE-LAP™ Scoring Booklets - 20 - EnglishTo be used in conjunction with the E-LAP™ kit. Scoring sheets are appropriate for training a child's progress three times a year. Set of 20.Product: 16296
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LAP™-3 Scoring Booklets - Set of 20LAP™-3 Scoring Booklets - Set of 20To be used in conjunction with the LAP™-3 kit. Scoring sheets are appropriate for training a child's progress three times a year. Set of 20.Product: 10698
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E-LAP™ Scoring Booklets - 20 - SpanishE-LAP™ Scoring Booklets - 20 - SpanishSpanish version includes a list of materials, instruction for administering individual items, a summary page, an IFSP form, and a profile page. Set of 20.Product: 89194
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LAP™ Diamond Pad - Set of 10LAP™ Diamond Pad - Set of 10Set of 10 diamond design cutting pads.Product: 8635
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LAP™-D Screens Administration ManualsLAP™-D Screens Administration ManualsPurchase an extra set of the LAP™-D 3, 4 and 5 year old screen manuals for each teacher in the program. Effective for guiding teachers quickly through the screening process.Product: 94839
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